Speaker, Educator & Certified Biblical Counselor bringing encouragement, support and care to our grieving world.
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.“
– Psalm 13:12

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick,but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.“
– Psalm 13:12
A loss brings clarity to the raw imbalance of what is and what we expect. Healing begins when we allow the infinite love of God to work in His sovereign ways. In time, the mismatch becomes the opportunity for grace, growth, and purpose that we never expected or would have never found otherwise.

"You hear her heart"
Tanya’s incredible intentionality can be seen threaded through any of her speaking engagements in both large and small settings. When she is a part of a conference or retreat she brings impactful truth directly rooted in scripture, relevant studies and personal experience that bolster her message, and a huge heart. Whether you’re sitting one on one with Tanya or in a crowd listening to her speak – you hear her heart. She sees people, hears them and so delicately steps into others lives to help repair, restore, and comfort.
“She has walked with me”
Tanya is a phenomenal person. I have been blessed by this amazing friend and mentor for almost 4 years. The way she leads aligns with the Word. She has walked with me through loss, grief, happiness, and stillness. Before she speaks she goes back to God’s Word. I have watched Tanya grow and touch many lives through teaching, prayer, and being a friend. She is a true light and a walking example of Jesus’ love.
About Me
I am passionate about helping women in all life stages find encouragement and hope regardless of life’s circumstances. As one who has overcome multiple reproductive losses, past relationship issues, and unforeseen career changes, I weave my experiences and faith together to bring a message of hope.
Through workshops, retreats, individual sessions, and educational opportunities, I strive to bring understanding to some of life’s most difficult questions with God’s truth and promises for the future.
Grief brings unwelcomed awareness into the familiar. It reveals all our insecurities and doubts, our failing mechanisms of coping. We must choose to trust the grief journey with God, the Author of Life, or remain in a state of endless and exhaustive re-writing of our own stories with a broken pen.
– Tanya Flores
caring for one another

As a friend and mentor, it brings me great joy to offer words and illustrations to plant seeds of inspiration. When we embrace our God-given purposes, we can thrive and grow. Even if life does not go as we expect, we can stand alongside one another and share our stories to strengthen and encourage. Nothing experienced in life is useless.
When a loss enters our life, it often feels like time stands still. All ages experience grief: expectations, emerging adulthood, loss of a loved one, a diagnosis, and more. Everything in our lives, relationships, expectations, and our identity demands a re-write. We face a daily choice to grow more circles of life around our loss or allow the hardening bark bounding us to the pain.
New growth is always possible. Resembling a tree, we can grow vertically to God and horizontally with others. Together we can support one another to find the seeds of hope and the nourishment in His Word.
For there is hope for a tree,
if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease.
– Job 14:7
My Work
I am grateful for my work as the Director of Reproductive Grief Care and Education at Sierra Pregnancy + Health. I also have the privilege to bring grief education to individuals and organizations as Co-Founder of Reproductive Loss Network and as a Certified Biblical Counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. In addition, I enjoy teaching women’s Bible studies and serving as a biblical counselor at my church, Doxa.
I am a member of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), the Biblical Counseling Coalition (BCC) and The Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (IBCD).
I am thankful to partner with various organizations and through multiple media outlets and events to offer a wide range of faith-based and secular topics on reproductive grief, women’s concerns, life stages, youth issues, and more.
I am grateful to the many authors and organizations who write material to support those grieving and those who care for them. Please visit Reproductive Loss Network’s Suggested Resource Page by clicking here.

© TANYA FLORES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Design: Flores Productions